contact: klaashuebner/at/


The base drum pedal was fixed with some bolds on a 5mm piece of metal i welded to the frame


Strange Love

A Flash Animation about a guy in a weird space station getting a visit by his imagination. 
Formats available: Unknown file type

underwater plastic in the sky

This is an outtake of the material used for the piece "stranded" an "Anyway". A jellyfish floating through the gray sky of Berlin.


Opening at "Anyway"

"Anyway" is having an opening with the topic "Berlin, Mon Amour" at this Friday 7 pm.
Günther Schaefer is presenting new photography of the last years and also his new book. Katharina and me will take part with a video installation called "gestrandet". S.R. Coutts is mixing tunes with his tractor wrapped in an apple.
We would be glad to see some folks at:
Anyway+++++Boxhagener Strasse 35+++++Berlin/Friedrichshain

var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);